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Coerver Moves

The Coerver Moves video series is a comprehensive collection of training videos focused on Coerver Coaching methodology, renowned for its emphasis on individual skills development and ball mastery in soccer. This series demonstrates a variety of Coerver Moves, which are specialized dribbling and ball control techniques designed to improve players' footwork, agility, and one-on-one skills. The drills and exercises showcased in these videos are crafted to enhance players' confidence and creativity on the field. Ideal for players of all ages and skill levels, the Coerver Moves series is a valuable resource for those looking to elevate their technical proficiency and overall soccer performance. These videos serve as an excellent tool for both individual practice and team training sessions.


  1. Change of Direction
  2. Stops and Starts
  3. Feints

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Change of Direction

Change of Direction moves in soccer are a set of techniques used by players to quickly alter their course and evade defenders. These maneuvers are crucial for maintaining possession, creating space, and navigating through tight defensive setups. Typically, they involve quick footwork and agile movements, allowing the player to shift the ball away from an opponent and change their running direction simultaneously.

Change of Direction moves can be as simple as a sharp turn with the ball or more complex techniques like the Cruyff Turn, where the player fakes a pass or shot before dragging the ball behind their standing leg with the inside of their foot.

These moves require good balance, coordination, and ball control. When executed effectively, Change of Direction moves can create opportunities for advancing the play, breaking through defensive lines, or opening up space for a pass or shot. They are fundamental skills in a soccer player's repertoire, enhancing their ability to maneuver in diverse match situations.

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Stops and Starts

Stops and Starts in soccer refer to a group of moves and techniques where a player abruptly stops the ball to disrupt a defender's momentum or expectation, and then quickly accelerates again in the same or a different direction. This tactic is effective in creating space and time for the player with the ball, allowing for a pass, shot, or continued dribbling.

The key to successful Stops and Starts lies in the player's ability to deceive the defender. By suddenly stopping the ball, the player can cause the defender to either slow down or move past them, creating an opportunity to exploit the space left behind. The 'start' part of the move is where the player quickly accelerates away, taking advantage of the momentary gap in the defense.

These maneuvers require good ball control, agility, and an understanding of timing. They are often combined with other dribbling skills to enhance their effectiveness. Common examples of Stops and Starts include the drag back, where the player stops the ball with the sole of their foot and quickly accelerates in another direction, and the step-on, where the player steps on the ball to stop it before darting away.

Stops and Starts are essential skills for offensive players, particularly midfielders and forwards, as they provide a way to break down tight defensive structures and create scoring opportunities.

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Feints in soccer are deceptive movements used by players to mislead an opponent about their intended action. They involve a player faking a move, such as a pass, shot, or direction change, to create space or get past a defender. The effectiveness of a feint lies in its ability to momentarily freeze or wrong-foot a defender, allowing the attacking player to gain an advantage.

A feint can be a body movement, a look, a gesture with the foot, or a combination of these. For instance, a player might pretend to strike the ball for a shot but instead change direction, or give the impression of passing before accelerating past an opponent. The key to a successful feint is its believability; it must be convincing enough to cause the defender to react.

Feints are an integral part of a soccer player's dribbling arsenal and require agility, quick thinking, and technical skill. They are particularly useful in one-on-one situations and can be seen in various forms, from simple shoulder drops or head fakes to more complex footwork like the step-over or the Marseille turn.

Effective use of feints not only aids in penetrating defensive lines but also adds an element of unpredictability and flair to a player's style of play.